The Tradition Continues
Why Traditional Collateral Is Still a Vital Tool for Arts Marketers
In a digital age where we can reach hundreds of fans around the world with a single tweet, LMPR is often asked if posters and rack cards are still relevant as part of an effective marketing plan. Without fail, our answer is an enthusiastic, resounding ‘YES!’ Here are three BIG reasons why.

Cost Effective
Posters and postcards, can be scaled in numbers and sizes to suit any arts groups’ goals, making them an especially cost effective and viable option for organizations with modest budgets. The distribution of these campaign staples also allows for budget flexibility – from larger organizations blanketing the city by hiring designated distributors to independent promoters actively involving cast and crew in marketing efforts.
Broad Exposure
A properly placed poster campaign set in high traffic areas has the potential to reach hundreds of thousands of potential patrons. This broad exposure paired with creative and well-planned design, offers excellent awareness and brand recognition.
Behaviour Targeting
Analyze your potential audience and conduct a behavioural segmentation analysis. You want to see your audience members as individuals who actually exist, so that you know who you’re talking to and how you can reach them. Think about where this patron lives, where they go for coffee, where they shop for clothes, and what they do for fun. Armed with this information, you will better understand how best to reach your target audience and determine key locations for often limited collateral distribution.
Marketing should be seen as holistic and the sum of many parts working together as one unified whole. Although it can be difficult to track the return on investment from traditional collateral efforts, it’s important to remember the multiple touch points required to generate awareness and, ultimately, a ticket purchase.
Categories: MPMG