The Week In Review: November 11
Record Breaking Art at Auction
On Tuesday, November 12 a 1969 Francis Bacon triptych sold for $142.4 million – the highest price ever paid for a work of art at auction. This sale broke the previous record set in May 2012, when Edvard Munch’s “The Scream” sold for a mere $119.9 million.

Movies Step Aside for TV
Until now, actors and directors have been using television as a stepping-stone towards highly coveted roles in movies. Now, growing budgets and increasingly interesting roles and storylines are wooing Hollywood’s elite in favour of TV.
A Moving Performance
Audiences of Meem: A Story Ballet About the Internet choreographed by Ryan McNamara for Performa 13 should expect the unexpected – even a change of venue, mid performance. In this large-scale production cast members perform throughout the entire venue while crew periodically slip a dolly underneath audience member’s chairs and physically move them to another area, and another part of the performance.
Sir John Tavener Dies, Age 69
One of Britain’s most celebrated composers has passed away peacefully at home. A classical musician, Tavener was in-demand right up until his passing. Many remember his song For Athene performed at Princess Diana’s funeral.
In an interview with BBC News in August 2013, Tavener speaks about the transformation in his music after suffering a heart attack nearly six years ago.
Classic Musicals Can Aid Alzheimer’s
During a four-month long study, Alzheimer’s patients sang along to songs from famous musicals including The Sound of Music and Oklahoma!, among others. At the end of the study the mental performance of those patients who sang along was greatly improved when compared to those who just listened.
Categories: MPMG